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Why PTSD is More Prevalent in Your Aging Loved One

Veteran’s home care offers essential support for PTSD sufferers, providing understanding care to help manage traumatic memories and emotional responses.
Veteran's home care can help veterans get the specialized care they need as they age.
Veteran's home care can help veterans get the specialized care they need as they age.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is caused by either a singular terrifying or traumatic event or a series of emotionally stressful events. For elderly individuals who were stationed in war zones, the memories of those times can come back with nightmares, flashbacks, extreme anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event(s).

While most people recover from reliving those events over and over again, individuals with PTSD may suffer for decades after those events took place, and veteran’s home care services can offer needed help.


Four Reasons Older Veterans Have PTSD Symptoms Later in Life

Veterans who thought they were managing the memories of their time in war may find that 50 years later, they’re back at square one with nightmares and flashbacks from their wartime experience.

Here are four reasons your loved one might have begun to either experience PTSD for the first time (that you know about) or maybe have increased incidents of PTSD.


Too Much News

In today’s world, you only need to turn on the TV, open up a laptop, or even swipe a screen on the phone to see images and hear real-time stories about conflicts abroad. Being constantly bombarded with the sights, sounds, and conflict of battle may be triggering your loved one more than he has ever been before.


Dealing with Other Medical Problems

If your loved one has seen his health decline in recent years, he might be feeling like he’s not as strong as he used to be and is unable to fend off those negative thoughts and responses.


Having Too Much Free Time

Without having the responsibility of a job to go to each day or raising children, your loved one might find his mind wandering back in time much easier than before, and he has a harder time distracting himself from the responsibilities of the day.


Recovery from Addiction

While there is much to be celebrated in your loved one finally stopping drinking or using illegal drugs, those may have been coping mechanisms for him not to think about the negative memories he has of his wartime experiences. Without them, he needs to find a new way to deal with those memories and his PTSD in a healthy way.


How Veteran’s Home Care Can Help with PTSD

You want to help your loved one through these tough emotional responses but aren’t sure how to step in and help, especially if he is leery of getting help himself. Having a veteran’s home care professional work directly with your loved one is a great way to provide him the support he needs with someone who understands and doesn’t judge him.

Some things a veteran’s home care professional may recommend are:

  • Joining a support group. Your loved one may think talking about more will make it worse, but having a group of individuals who understand and support him can help him open up about his experiences. Talking about them often produces relief. Veteran’s home care can provide transportation to such groups and be a listening ear when they are not available.
  • Practice self-care. Many older veterans may laugh at the idea of “self-care,” but your veteran’s home care provider will know how to present the importance of self-care in a language your loved one understands and respects.
  • Consider medication. Counseling with medication is often the best treatment for PTSD. A veteran’s home care provider can help you find the best professional help for your loved one.




If you or an aging loved one are considering Veteran’s Home Care in Colorado Springs, CO, please contact the caring staff at Talem Home Care & Placement Services of Colorado Springs, CO, today. Call (719) 639-2663

At Talem Home Care & Placement Services of Colorado Springs, CO, we provide passionate, understanding, and flexible caregivers in Colorado Springs, Air Force Academy, Black Forest, Cimarron Hills, Fort Carson, Gleneagle, Larkspur, Manitou Springs, Monument, Palmer Lake, Perry Park, Rock Creek Park, Security-Widefield, Stratmoor, and Woodmoor and surrounding areas in Colorado.

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